The Online Comeback of 2018
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The Online Comeback of 2018
Hello everyone,
Last year in 2017 I decided to focus more on making money given the lack of online results I had. This turned out well and I managed to make some cash. Now I want to make an online comeback with the goal of becoming a better player for live poker (folding less, bluffing more/better/bigger) and obviously the money I make along the way is welcome.
The material I will use will be mainly Nick Howard material Pio Unlocked and I will train my mind with Primed Mind. I was one of his first students that bought a coaching package from Nick (even before Pio Unlocked came out) but I never had any good results. However I feel like the material was never the problem since other resources never worked for me either. A big chunck was my mind going blank in big pots and I feel like this improved a lot last year playing live and working with Primed Mind a lot.
I still have to make up my mind about Pokerstars or Party, so any advice is welcome.
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