The Time Is Never Right
Posted by ReinaPepiada
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Poker Journals
The Time Is Never Right
Up Until Now
For some time now, I've wanted to document my poker journey through a blog. I started one, but life got in the way and I ended up abandoning it, mainly because it's on a Discord channel and only group members can read it.
So, after giving it some thought, I decided that starting a new one here would get me more exposure.
I am 30 y/o, and I've been playing poker (recreationally?) for the past 12 years.
It is hard for me to choose between recreationally, semi-pro, or professional since I've put a lot of hours into it and gotten decent results so far. However, it has never been my priority, up until now since I was too scared about what might happen if I stopped following the path everyone else I know has, and stopped doing what other people keep telling me/thinking I should do.
Luckily, thanks to poker money, I've been able to try a couple of things and explore some possibilities. It took longer than I thought and I would have liked (I graduated in 2018), but I was able to realize a couple of things:
Most people hate their jobs and they only do it for the money, even if they don't talk about it openly.
Working for 30+ years won't assure you'll have a good retirement.
Even if I fail to become a poker player and have the lifestyle that I want, it would mean doing more of what I like and less of what I don't.
The perfect job doesn't exist, it's all about what we have to sacrifice, what we'll get in return, and if we are willing to make the trade-off.
So finally, after asking several questions and hours of reflection, I decided poker is going to be my priority for the next 2 years :)
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