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THIS IS (my) PLO (journal): A serious attempt

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THIS IS (my) PLO (journal): A serious attempt

Are you tired of starting a table only to be insta joined by 3 players from Belarus?
Did you somehow not get staked by Bryn Kenny?
Are birds even real???????

Sounds like you're ready for HU PLO!

THIS IS (my) PLO (journal): A serious attempt

HU PLO: A Definitive Guide
This is PLO Course
AGAME Poker Masterclass
RIO Forum
YOU (thanks for reading)

Bankroll: $5,000

Current Study Goals:
Continue laying a solid preflop foundation utilizing vision + monker as well as study guides/scheduling from AGAME.
Continue grinding "This is PLO" course in correlation with HU PLO: A Definitive Guide.

Playing Goals:
Sneaky Six Max - Open sit or join 6 max tables, leave when it goes 3 handed.
$50 zoom when the pool isn't reg infested.
$11.00 HU MTT on Stars
I'm not currently setting a hands played or hourly goal. My main objective is learning the game and putting hands in when I'm focused.

Long-term but Short-term Goal:
Build bankroll to $10,000 and reinvest $5,000 with private coaching from Cory Mikesell.

Thanks for your interest and input!

Enjoy the sweat.

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