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What separates a winner midstakes player from a huge winner high stakes player?

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What separates a winner midstakes player from a huge winner high stakes player?

Hey guys. This is my first topic/post here. Hope I'm doing everything allright and I'm posting in the right board.

I posted on 2p2 also, but this website/forum is pretty awesome and the answers are mostly great. I would like to know your opinion.

So... what separetes for example a
winning plo200 player from a plo1k player from a plo20k player? 

Obviously the stake number used here was just an example... We can find a
discussion about any game actually. I just asked about PLO, but we can use NLHE
for example, or other games, or even for life...

Is it just skill? Is it "being afraid" of playing against regs? Is it
bankroll issue? Is it more of a soul read? They both know the game for
almost perfection but the talent separetes them? One knows even really tiny
tells and finds an edge there?

I'm more inclined of having a discussion about skill level, is a GOOD plo200
winner much less skilled from a plo1k player for example? And more
important. WHAT is the difference? They both probably know the PLO
math, they have done thousands of simulations, they both watch videos, discuss
hands, have coaches etc. But why one play on a higher stake and win, and the
other wouldn't be able to play at the same stake?

What set the winners and the champions? The masters from the grandmasters?



On 2p2 the discussion evolved more about
luck and bumhunting. But I wanna
have a discussion evolved more about the theory/mindset/preparation/whatever
and NOT the $. I'm not talking about who wins more but about why someone is
better than the other.
Lets not talk about running hot or luck. Just a
theoretically approach for example: Why a winner plo500 won't beat sauce or
galfond if they play for 9999999 hands or months, for example? They all done
thousands of simulations, they know the game a lot, but what is the gap?

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