Who Wants to Help Me? (H.O.R.S.E.)

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Who Wants to Help Me? (H.O.R.S.E.)

So, it seems like 8-Game is what's gonna be running at nosebleeds for a little while.  

I'm strong in PLO, NL, and Deuce, and to be entirely honest - I'm just guessing w/ the rest of the games.

I've been dabbling in mixed games for a while and have never taken it seriously (and it shows).  I think it's time.

I'd like to improve my game ASAP and I'm willing to put in a little work.  It's really hard to fit it in between playing and RIO stuff, but I'll do my best.  What I'd really appreciate from you guys (pretty please?) is any of the following:

-Reccs for best tools to study Stud, o8  (I know about troutulator but is there anything better/newer?)

-Reccs of best mixed game videos available anywhere - yes it's okay to mention another site :)

-Any public (or private, if you're generous) outputs of numbers that were run / conclusions draws on any of the HORSE games

-I'd be willing to get coaching if the guy is either very good and/or can save me a lot of time running a bunch of numbers myself - any suggestions?

Obviously, I'm asking for these things for myself, but hopefully if it goes well, we can build a list of resources and stick it in a FAQ thread in the 'Other Games' forum.

Thanks in advance for any info you've got.  I appreciate it.

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