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Work Opportunity: Live HH transcription for High Stakes Live Tournaments, $15 USD/hour

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Work Opportunity: Live HH transcription for High Stakes Live Tournaments, $15 USD/hour

Mods: please move this if it's deemed inappropriate

-Looking for a RIO member(s) to transcribe live high stakes tournament streams
(Example of transcribing a hand:> Chance (8.8m) CO 225k Qd7d, Victor Fold BU Tc9c, Isil (3.9m) call bb AcTs| Ad2dQh (600k) X/200k/C |(1m) Kd X/675k/C| (2.35m) Jc X/AI/C)
-On demand basis; you'll be messaged prior to the tournament to transcribe the hands in Discord. First person to respond will get the event.
-Most everything 25k+ with live streams available will be wanted
-Will be transcribed into a Discord server
-Payment ~monthly, or when you accumulate a solid amount owed (>a few hundred dollars)
-This (part time) job is suitable for someone who is a fan of poker or aspiring pro, would likely be watching many of the streams anyways, and would like to be paid a small hourly to watch/transcribe the action.
-Must be fast/accurate; hands need to be transcribed live and in real time
-Need to be reliable; if you say you're going to do an 8hr live stream you can't just leave if you feel like it
-I plan on hiring 3-5 people who respond to this post. If someone is unreliable/inaccurate, they'll be cut. If someone is very reliable/ easy to work with, they'll have preference to get streaming hours.
-If a live stream has a paywall (PokerGo for example), then obv I will pay for it if you don't already have a subscription
-I will not coach/mentor/whatever you

If you have questions, please post in the thread so the answers are public and others can refer.
If you're interested in the work, please message me privately. Please include (a) poker stakes played, and live or online, (b) age, (c) your RIO subscriber level (essential or elite). Should be 1 very short paragraph plz, people telling their life stories will be disqualified.

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