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PLO Vienna

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PLO Vienna

Hey guys,

I hope I will be able to change the blogtitle in the future, but right now I need to write down my plans regarding my master's thesis. This is my last work I have to do for my university, and the sooner I get this done the faster I will be able to concentrate on Poker again. Personally I cannot compete Poker on a high level while my brain is wrapped around another big task, so for the time being, I won't be seen at the Pokertables.
Im looking forward to finish my degree and not have to worry about it anymore, go on vacation after and eventually hit back the tables. To achieve this in the quickest way, I need to a) start now and b) don't waste time with things that don't give me back anything, like video games, which are fun to play for a little while but at some point I just use them to spend time and to procrastinate, which really doesn't give me any joy or bring me forward as a human being.

So my goals for the next 30 days are:
- to work daily on my master thesis starting today (apart from when I m sick)
- to not play MTG-Arena and to not watch any MTG-Arena related content on youtube

While this will be very challenging for me to do, I m really looking forward to finish this final task for uni. I might write an update the next couple of days, but it could be also the case that I won't until the thesis is finished. until then, Lausbub.

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