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Question about "Adjusting to the table" preflop video

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Question about "Adjusting to the table" preflop video

Hi, when talking about adjusting to stack sizes in this video, Owen says that when there are a lot of reshove stacks behind you should be playing a "Tight Blocker Range".

I'm not 100% sure what that means, although I have a rough idea. I think I over adjust in these spots and end up being too tight. For example, lets say I am in CO with 40bb, and both the SB and BB have 15-20bb.

My original starting range in this spot would be a 33% range:


What I might actually play in this situation would be about 20%:


I might even drop the lower AXs and pocket pairs if both blinds are at 15bb or less.

Is this too big a reduction?

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