Recommended Software: Am I missing something?
Posted by bambi99333
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From The Ground Up PLO
Recommended Software: Am I missing something?
I've just finished the Preflop RFI videos and was excited to review the hands I've opened from EP, play around with them in ProPoker tools, to see the bad shapes me opening these hands was putting me in, and then using Monker to discover what hands I should be raising instead.
Anyway I get to downloading these tool and they come to the cost of over 500 euro.
I understand how incredibly useful these tools are, but I can't justify dropping that much money on them when I definitely won't be using Monker to it full capabilities in the near future.
For what I have described above and relevant to what EMTY shows in those videos is there free, cheaper or non premium versions of these software that will do the same job?
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