1,1k PLO MTT live approaching bubble
Posted by HeyGals
Posted by HeyGals posted in High Stakes
1,1k PLO MTT live approaching bubble
Hey guys :)
I have a pretty interesting hand from a live PLO MTT from last week. We are down to 40 players, 31 get paid. The field is pretty soft, 8max tables, we are currently 7handed. NO ANTES! we have around 20BB and so are middle of the pack, pretty much guaranteed to cash if we just fold our way ITM (mincash is ~1.7k, 1st place is ~40k, so top heavy but not extreme). We are in the LJ with KJT7ds. I decided to open to 2,3x, get called by a whale that I slightly cover from the CO and the CL (reg) who has almost 200BB squeezes on the BU. He was just moved to our table, when I was with him at another table before and he had middling stacks nothing that was notable from his side.
First question is, is this an open at all? If yes which size? Do we want to have two opening sizes here? Do we want to limp? Is this an outright open fold? I decided to flat the Squeeze, which is also very questionable.... Postflop the hand played itself
Thankful for any kind of input
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