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$215 weekly nlo8 mtt - FT decision oop

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$215 weekly nlo8 mtt - FT decision oop

Blinds: t1,200/t2,400 (7 Players) MP: 58,197
CO: 122,407 (Hero)
BN: 163,887
SB: 110,021
BB: 107,675
UTG: 191,266
UTG+1: 81,547
Preflop (3,600) Hero is CO with 2 7 3 5
3 folds, Hero raises to 5,040, BN calls 5,040, SB folds, BB calls 2,640
Flop (18,420) 3 Q 5
BB checks, Hero checks, BN bets 9,578, BB folds, Hero calls 9,578
Turn (37,576) 3 Q 5 3
Hero checks, BN bets 12,000, Hero

Hero has played nitty (this is our first light steal/open in 40 hands) and unknown vill playing ABC thus far makes this a pretty std flop x/c once we open.

Turn, though, is interesting given sizing. Vs a normal bet size, seems like a pretty easy x-call, but the small size seems polarizing - vill's trying to induce with a monster or to get a cheap river check back if big draw+1 pair hands brick.

So is it worth considering anything but x/c on this turn? If there are any o8 mtters around, I'm curious to hear any thoughts.

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