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$235 Rio 2pm Deepstack - How do you play this flop?

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$235 Rio 2pm Deepstack - How do you play this flop?

Starting stack 15k

Blinds 600/1200 200 ante - 9 handed

My image - Mid 20s kid, backwards baseball cap. Pretty standard I'm assuming. Haven't been around the table long enough to alter that. I have been chipping up somewhat, going from about 18k - 30k in the 1 orbit I have been a part of.

Previous Hand - I opened the button with K9o to steal the blinds. BB shoves about 10 BB into me w JTo and I fold(He showed after the play).

Anyways, I'm in the CO. Button is an older guy(Mid 50s?) who seems that he's recreational, but has played the game a while. SB (Guy who shoved JTo) is a mid 40s man who plays well. I put him on the spewy side because he seems adamant both verbally and through his play that he hates blinding out. BB is a Mid 40s New Yorker who seems solid.

Stack Sizes: Me - 30k Button - 12k SB - 15k BB - 50k

Folds to me - I open KJo to 2600. Button Flats, SB/BB fold

(Pot 8800) Flop comes 79T rainbow

I check - and he jams ~9200 into the pot. I think about it and call.

Would you jam the flop here? Bet like 4k - Call? I check-called because I figure I have atleast 11 outs with the double gutter and potentially 2 overs. Against most shoves I feel like the J might not be good, so I think 11 outs on average is fair. He doesn't have a set because he'd ship 77 99 TT Pre. I figure he'd do the same with AT/A9. Can't find many holdings where I'm crushed.

I'm just super confused why he called in general. Whats your line here? B/C, C/C, shove?

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