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5 Left in a european 550$ MTT live

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5 Left in a european 550$ MTT live

i would define myself as a cash game player with both experience in live/online play but poor experienced in MTT final and especially ICM play. So i would be glad to have any return on my play.

We're now 5 left at this final table : prizepool is : 1->40K$; 2->28K$, 3->20K$, 4->13.5K$, 5->10K$. I'm not scary money at all with those amounts. I really want to take my chance to win even if i am short but not at any gamble price.

I open A8o from CO. We're 3 shortstacks with BN and SB : me 12BB, BN&SB have 14BB. Big stacks BB/UTG have about 45-50BB.
I've been pretty active at the table before being short and i've already min open UTG just before and give up postflop without showdown.

I decide not to open shove because i'm pretty sure i can have an easy fold if CO or SB reshove me (first one is nitty/scared and other one is good tournament player who knows this is better to let me bust than gamble vs me) --> they would never reshove me A6- i think.
Soo i decide to open 2.1x (would do the same with premium), and encounter a decision when after fold/fold from shorts BB reshove me.

BB is 2nd in stack, not scary money at all. High limit live PLO player but small experienced in MTT games.
I talk to him before my decision and feel is not soo confident (tells are from my experience but lets say 60-70% effective). Would say he could jam here KTo+.

Soo i finally call.
1 more reason to that call : UTG chipleader is maniac/calling station and i've reads on his sizings/behaviour at the table soo i think if i can have a decent stack vs him would be very EV++ to ship.

1) Is open shove EV+ here taking acount ICM,
2) Is open 2.1x > open shove with this information,
3) is fold to BB reshove better taking acount ICM?

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