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$55 - 4 max nlh mtt - ft - turn decision, deep

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$55 - 4 max nlh mtt - ft - turn decision, deep

Blinds: t175/t350 (4 Players) SB: 15,969
BB: 66,085 (Hero)
CO: 41,605
BN: 2,341
Preflop (525) Hero is BB with 6 8
CO calls 350, BN folds, SB calls 175, Hero checks
Flop (1,190) 9 7 T
SB checks, Hero checks, CO bets 350, SB calls 350, Hero raises to 1,512, CO calls 1,162, SB calls 1,162
Turn (5,726) 9 7 T 4
SB checks, Hero bets 3,030, CO raises to 8,923, SB folds, Hero

Don't have many hands with the guy at this point. ~12. Casual player.

I immediately kicked myself for betting turn. Anyway, as played? Flat and x/c most rivers? Nit up and fold?

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