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$55 nlh KO mtt - facing river overbet with flopped trips,12 left on avg stack

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$55 nlh KO mtt - facing river overbet with flopped trips,12 left on avg stack

Blinds: t8,000/t16,000 (6 Players) UTG: 308,600
MP: 544,168
CO: 347,004
BN: 538,331
SB: 503,667 (Hero)
BB: 885,708
Preflop (24,000) Hero is SB with K T
3 folds, BN calls 16,000, Hero calls 8,000, BB checks
Flop (62,400) T T 3
Hero checks, BB checks, BN bets 25,000, Hero calls 25,000, BB folds
Turn (112,400) T T 3 7
Hero checks, BN bets 70,000, Hero calls 70,000
River (252,400) T T 3 7 J
Hero checks, BN bets 424,931 and is all in, Hero

12 left, avg stack ~600Kish but we're in 5th of 12 bc of some disparity b/w shorties and CL. $400ish for 12th, 5K up top. (Avg KO ~$500, ours is healthy)

This guy hasn't limped btn yet but has also taken some slightly funky, losing lines. Earlier on 2nd ft, he limped sb (on 52bbs vs hero 26bbs), called a turn raise after barreling 2625r, and then open ripped a river J (22bbs into 9bb pot).

Unfortunately for us, in what we like to call bag o' dicks mode, where thinking is just beyond reach and we had 4s timebank. I doubt Tx is overjamming river.

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