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6 max spko nlo8 mtt - interesting river spot in single raised pot, hu

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6 max spko nlo8 mtt - interesting river spot in single raised pot, hu

Blinds: t40/t80 (4 Players) BN: 12,176 (Hero)
SB: 6,285
BB: 3,760
CO: 4,659
Preflop (120) Hero is BN with 3 J 2 K
CO folds, Hero raises to 168, SB folds, BB calls 88
Flop (376) 5 3 8
BB checks, Hero checks
Turn (376) 5 3 8 Q
BB checks, Hero checks
River (376) 5 3 8 Q A
BB checks, Hero bets 280, BB raises to 1,200, Hero

Admittedly, the river sizing was a bit large, was not anticipating a x/r at the time and got greedy. Vill unknown but playing fine so far (20 hands), no reads that he/she is soft.

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