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7 left, final table bubble

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7 left, final table bubble

3rd of 7 players left.

SB and BB tight players, they fold often to my raises. I'm sure SB has no bluff in his check-raise range.

This is the payout structure:
1:72.80; 2:47.31; 3:25.23; 4:18.92; 5:13.66; 6:9.46; 7:7.64

partypoker, - Hold'em No Limit - 600/1,200 (120 ante) - 3 players

BU (Hero): 24,596 (20 bb)
SB: 47,536 (40 bb)
BB: 62,048 (52 bb)

Pre-Flop: (2,160) Hero is BTN with 6♥ Q♥
Hero raises to 2,520, SB calls 1,920, 1 fold

Flop: (6,600) T♦ J♦ 9♥ (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets 3,240, SB raises to 8,400

Fold, call or reraise all-in?

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