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$82 hyper nlh mtt - bubble - river decision

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$82 hyper nlh mtt - bubble - river decision

Blinds: t500/t1,000 (6 Players) MP: 8,828
CO: 15,796
BN: 16,060 (Hero)
SB: 9,652
BB: 6,600
UTG: 23,052
Preflop (1,500) Hero is BN with J K
UTG raises to 2,000, 2 folds, Hero calls 2,000, 2 folds
Flop (6,700) 5 Q 8
UTG checks, Hero checks
Turn (6,700) 5 Q 8 K
UTG checks, Hero bets 2,010, UTG calls 2,010
River (10,720) 5 Q 8 K Q
UTG checks, Hero

Villain is a very active, but fairly competent, reg. Was playing 40/30 on stack approaching bubble.

He likes to get out of line a bit on stacks, and has been doing so here, but we have been playing on the nitty side and he has been cautious when we've entered pots, i.e. I don't think we're getting called light on river here.

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