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$82 hyper sh nlh mtt - FT bubble - facing big stack limp in sb

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$82 hyper sh nlh mtt - FT bubble - facing big stack limp in sb

Blinds: t2,000/t4,000 (3 Players) BN: 28,860
SB: 72,204
BB: 38,666 (Hero)
Preflop (6,000) Hero is BB with 8 A
BN folds, SB calls 2,000, Hero

We're 3rd in chips, ICM in play, but shallow mtt (we have 19bbs, avg stack ~14). Had hardly played w/ sb, we've been playing very snug but unclear if he knows that.

Not jamming a consideration here for ICM? He can well have a limp-call/raise range we don't want to play A8o against on flop, shallow, vs CL.

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