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$82 sh nlh pko mtt - FT - bluff catching vs overbet jam

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$82 sh nlh pko mtt - FT - bluff catching vs overbet jam

Blinds: t1,600/t3,200 (5 Players) UTG: 134,271
CO: 38,430
BN: 208,104
SB: 78,431
BB: 77,764 (Hero)
Preflop (4,800) Hero is BB with 3 3
UTG raises to 6,400, 3 folds, Hero calls 3,200
Flop (16,400) 4 6 Q
Hero checks, UTG bets 5,248, Hero calls 5,248
Turn (26,896) 4 6 Q 5
Hero checks, UTG bets 14,792, Hero calls 14,792
River (56,480) 4 6 Q 5 5
Hero checks, UTG bets 107,431 and is all in

Context - ~30 hands into FT. $400 for 5th - $1.5K up top (avg bounty $300). So, some, but not major, ICM considerations.

Villain is a winning, super aggressive reg. He has overbet jammed river vs hero twice already, getting folds both times. Also barreled AJo on 88ThQ flop earlier (paid off a river flush when villain led river after check calling twice with a suited A). Hero actually typed something along lines of "keep up the spew" in chat after he pulled this overbet jam twice with us well covering him.

So, thoughts on turn and river? I would include the other hands he merge-jammed, since they didn't make much sense (for value) either. Reckon the value end of his merge range here is QT-QK+.

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