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$82 sh nlh spko mtt - FT hu - flop decision

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$82 sh nlh spko mtt - FT hu - flop decision

Blinds: t1,600/t3,200 (2 Players) SB: 176,214
BB: 273,786 (Hero)
Preflop (4,800) Hero is BB with 9 T
Hero raises to 6,400, SB raises to 12,800, Hero calls 6,400
Flop (26,400) 6 K 8
SB checks, Hero

6 hands into hu. Vill not crazy out of line on ft, but some overactive tendencies (eg. 3x'g QTo utg 6 handed and paying off river value bet on ATxxx flop vs hero MP and overbet jamming 28bbs 2nd hand in vs min raise). Vill has 0 significant cashes mtt-wise, fyi.

Given small 3b sizing pre + flop check and tendency to overbet/jam, easy flop check back?

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