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$8.80 Stars - KJs vs shove

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$8.80 Stars - KJs vs shove

HJ: 86292 (Hero)
CO: 33888
BN: 54586
SB: 16637
BB: 33856
UTG: 41316
UTG1: 22696
LJ: 99566
Preflop (3000) (8 Players)
Hero was dealt J K
UTG folds, UTG1 folds, LJ folds, Hero raises to 4000, CO raises to 33638, and is all in

Villain seems to be a low stakes reg. Stats are 17!9 w 11 3bet over small sample (52 hands). I am playing around with this on Holdem Resources calculator and to me it appears kind of close. If this was BTN vs blinds or BVB or even CO vs BTN it is obv a slam dunk call. But here it really depends on how wide he is willing to gii. I am used to treating HJ vs. CO situations quite differently which might be a mistake in this case. If he is just shipping any hands with good blockers here, it's an easy call. But if he tightens up to something like 13% is becomes much closer.

As I said if it was a later position I would snap call here. But I am unsure how to adjust ranges here in this situation.

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