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99 on the button, $5 rebuy $3k guarantee

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99 on the button, $5 rebuy $3k guarantee

Blinds   75/150
Seat 1 is the button
But:  Hero ( 13121 ) - showing 18/11/1.4/4.7 at this table
SB: Player2 ( 4946 ) - VPIP: 39, PFR: 12, 3B: 13, AF: 1.1, Hands: 130
BB: Player4 ( 588 ) - VPIP: 32, PFR: 8, 3B: 4, AF: 2.0, Hands: 77
UTG: Player5 ( 5932 ) - VPIP: 35, PFR: 0, 3B: 0, AF: 1.1, Hands: 37
UTG+1: Player6 ( 1770 ) - VPIP: 43, PFR: 13, 3B: 7, AF: 1.3, Hands: 61
MP: Player7 ( 8664 ) - VPIP: 34, PFR: 21, 3B: 11, AF: 1.3, Hands: 130
Hijack: Player9 ( 3335 ) - VPIP: 22, PFR: 2, 3B: 3, AF: 0.8, Hands: 99
CO: Player10 ( 4320 ) - VPIP: 16, PFR: 13, 3B: 6, AF: 4.8, Hands: 1206

Dealt to Hero [  9h 9d ]

UTG+1 limps
MP raises [675]
fold to me I call
BB calls and is AI
UTG calls

Pot  2688

** Dealing Flop ** [ 6c, 9s, 4h ]  I flop trip 9s on a fairly dry board
UTG checks
Hijack bets [1200]
Hero raises [2400]
UTG folds
Hijack calls [1200]                      Pot 7488

** Dealing Turn ** [ 2c ]

Hijack bets [1200] 

I find this odd on this board and that turn card that he makes this tiny bet so I think he probably has an overpair based on his preflop  raise.....I am way ahead of this but there are draws on the board now so i want to charge them if thats what he has but don't want to push him out of the hand. How much should I raise here? Should I have raised more on the flop aiming to GII on turn?

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