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A4o HJ-SB reshove 10BB ?

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A4o HJ-SB reshove 10BB ?

Blinds: t15,000/t30,000 (9 Players) MP+1: 1,974,484
MP+2: 742,892
CO: 587,431
BN: 575,141
SB: 302,393 (Hero)
BB: 893,833
UTG: 1,219,207
UTG+1: 491,589
MP: 712,392
Preflop (45,000) Hero is SB with 4 A
4 folds, MP+2 raises to 60,000

Hey guys!

Wondering is this should be a jam or not ?
I know MP2 is a reg, hes playing multiple trnys and has been opening some hands before.
(This was really early on a new table so it was only 1 or 2)

Everyone folds to me and im SB w A4o, reshove or too weak ?


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