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AJo facing squeeze shove in HJ

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AJo facing squeeze shove in HJ

Blinds: t40,000/t80,000 (5 Players) SB: 2,975,548
BB: 1,326,758
UTG: 5,219,182 (Hero)
CO: 1,691,357
BN: 1,724,028
Preflop (120,000) Hero is UTG with J A
Hero raises to 160,000, CO calls 160,000, 2 folds, BB raises to 1,317,258 and is all in, Hero folds, CO folds
Final Pot BB wins 567,500

Villain is a bad 42/6/0 (130 hands) player. Cant remmber how deep we were exactly but definetly ITM

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