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Commited on first street!???

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Commited on first street!???

Blinds: t2,000/t4,000 (9 Players) MP+1: 125,251
MP+2: 42,221
CO: 149,560 (Hero)
BN: 41,121
SB: 71,018
BB: 88,590
UTG: 53,976
UTG+1: 94,539
MP: 94,175
Preflop (6,000) Hero is CO with J K
5 folds, Hero raises to 8,800, 2 folds, BB raises to 21,250, Hero calls 12,450
Flop (49,000) 9 7 J
BB bets 19,850, Hero calls 19,850
Turn (88,700) 9 7 J A
BB bets 46,990 and is all in, Hero calls 46,990
River (182,680) 9 7 J A A
Final Pot BB wins 182,680

Once I hit the flop I think I cannot fold due to SPR.
The thing is that bubble was pretty close and turn card was awful... I opted for a crying call.

What do U think?


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