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Deep in tournament limped pot QTo in BB

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Deep in tournament limped pot QTo in BB

60 left of 1500 in $400 buyin 400k prize pool at Tampa Hard Rock. 80k first prize.
btn -750k
sb -550k
Hero in BB with 220k

blinds 6k/12k/12k
Folds around to btn who limps, sb completes and i check option with QsTd.
(48k in pot) Flop comes Td9c4d. sb checks, I bet 20k, btn raises to 55k, sb folds.
I consider jamming here but decide to let one card peel and check jam most turns (btn is laggy)
Turn comes 7h. I check he jams. I end up tank folding
Feel I made a big mistake here and should just be 3 bet jamming flop. Normally I would but there was a lot of pressure on my tournament life and ended making a nitty fold. thoughts?

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