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Flop decision - $82 4-max nlh spko mtt - bubble

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Flop decision - $82 4-max nlh spko mtt - bubble

Blinds: t300/t600 (4 Players) SB: 21,430
BB: 22,111 (Hero)
CO: 67,350
BN: 40,372
Preflop (900) Hero is BB with 7 3
CO raises to 1,200, BN folds, SB calls 900, Hero calls 600
Flop (3,880) 3 5 7
SB checks, Hero checks, CO bets 2,400, SB raises to 6,740, Hero

OR has been opening virtually every pot and playing uber active. SB is a decent reg. Still a loose defend, I know.

2 off bubble, and there are some icm implications given it's been a rough day.


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