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Implied odds question - Turn spot

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Implied odds question - Turn spot

Can I call this turn if I expect to get the stack 100% of the time when I hit my straigt, if villans value-range is KJo+?

PokerStars Hand #138803946797: Tournament #1288126771, $28.50+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2015/08/01 13:35:11 CET [2015/08/01 7:35:11 ET]
Table '1288126771 1' 3-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: m1ndread (620 in chips)
Seat 2: Amadeus7777 (540 in chips)
Seat 3: HERO (340 in chips)
Amadeus7777: posts small blind 10
HERO: posts big blind 20
Dealt to HERO [5s 7h]
m1ndread: folds
Amadeus7777: calls 10
HERO: checks
FLOP [4s 6c Ks]
Amadeus7777: checks
HERO: bets 20
Amadeus7777: raises 40 to 60
HERO: calls 40
TURN * [4s 6c Ks] [Ac] Pot: 160
Amadeus7777: bets 120

HERO will have 140 chips left on the river, if HERO calls turn

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