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KK facing 4 bet from early

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KK facing 4 bet from early

Blinds: t20/t40 (9 Players) CO: 7,930
BN: 2,615
SB: 3,080
BB: 2,533
UTG: 7,869
UTG+1: 2,860
MP: 2,815 (Hero)
MP+1: 6,976
MP+2: 1,370
Preflop (60) Hero is MP with K K
UTG folds, UTG+1 raises to 120, Hero raises to 288, MP+1 folds, MP+2 calls 288, 4 folds, UTG+1 raises to 720, Hero raises to 2,815 and is all in, MP+2 calls 1,082 and is all in, UTG+1 calls 2,095
This is a regular mtt not a turbo and we've only played about 8 hands. MP2 just lost over 1/2 his stack. Flat and see flop? There is 1088 in the pot right now and if I flat and MP2 calls there will be about 2200 in the pot on the flop and I'll have a little under a pot size bet left.
Flop (7,060) 7 2 4
Turn (7,060) 7 2 4 2
River (7,060) 7 2 4 2 5
Final Pot UTG+1 wins and shows two pair, Aces and Deuces.
MP lost and shows two pair, Kings and Deuces.
MP+2 wins and shows a full house, Fours full of Deuces.
UTG+1 wins 2,890 MP+2 wins 4,170

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