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Math time

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Math time

CO: Puropoker123: 40388
BN: ElkY: 122925
SB: Tomatee: 141471
BB: stevie444: 21388
UTG: AK87: 246311
UTG1: FaKeOrReaL: 302488
LJ: mjw006: 174259
HJ: ely_cash41: 52931
Preflop (6000) (9 Players)
stevie444 was dealt 5 A
AK87 folds, FaKeOrReaL raises to 8000, MORTIIIIIIII folds, mjw006 folds, ely_cash41 folds, Puropoker123 folds, ElkY folds, Tomatee raises to 23800

84 left in the 1k 2nd chance...81 pay and mincash is $1731, starting stack was 15000. Assume that by folding we resign ourselves to folding to cash which will happen after an average of 3 more hands leaving us with 13388.

Feel free to offer your opinion of what to do but what I'm really interested in is devising a mathematical model to analyse the value of the mincash and therefore the equity we need to get it in here $ev wise. Got some ideas of how to do this but not entirely sure so calling out to anyone more mathematically skilled than me.


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