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Nightly $55 - thoughts on this line

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Nightly $55 - thoughts on this line

Blinds: t50/t100 (8 Players) BB: 2,541
UTG: 1,530
UTG+1: 5,736
MP: 2,719
MP+1: 3,630
CO: 5,512
BN: 5,905 (Hero)
SB: 8,251
Preflop (150) Hero is BN with 9 9
5 folds, Hero raises to 225, SB raises to 855, BB raises to 2,531 and is all in, Hero raises to 5,895 and is all in, SB calls 5,040
Flop (14,401) T T 2
Turn (14,401) T T 2 T
River (14,401) T T 2 T 2
Final Pot BB lost and shows a full house, Tens full of Deuces.
BN wins and shows a full house, Tens full of Nines.
SB lost and shows a full house, Tens full of Eights.
BN wins 14,401

Hey Guys,

I sat this tournament as I used to play microstakes mtt so I was playing some kind of TAG style in this moment

Villain on SB was in action 40% of ~30 hands and 3betting a lot.
The BigBlind I don´t have any significant note.

I opted to shove all PF cause I was very confident SB was 3betting light and going to fold.

Result Oriented I felt very happy with this hand.

But reviewing now, the BigBlind jammed 25bb and for a regular tournament is a healthy stack.

Is he shoving wide?
Thoughts on this play?

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