Strategy and advice on moving up stakes

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Strategy and advice on moving up stakes

Hey guys..


I've had something on my mind for a while which has to do with moving up stakes.


To put it bluntly, i've mostly played a lot of micro stake MTTs following about 6 months of SnG grinding.

I did well in micros ranging from $3 - $22. Im comfortable playing them and know i can beat them.

I have had some live success and bunch of other money coming in from other sources recently. This has given me the backing to be able to 'move up' stakes per se.

The problem i have is this..

I now have the bankroll but every time i take a shot at a $55 or $75 and ive had a $162 and the SM i just dont do well.

I'll load up and keep the usual 10 or so tournies ranging from micro to mid stakes and it just seems like the only ones i run deep in are the smallest ones!

I feel like there is something more than just having the roll to move up.

Is it the players, the fields, the fact that a lot of the field has sattelited into them?

Are they just A LOT better than the average reg i see in the micros?

I would greatly appreciate any feedback on this because its a bit of a confidence dent not running deep in anything with anywhere close to 5 figures up top.

Thanks in advance guys..

#ready to move

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