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Sunday Milli - facing river overbet w/ 2 pair

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Sunday Milli - facing river overbet w/ 2 pair

Blinds: t40/t80 (9 Players) SB: 10,100
BB: 12,405
UTG: 9,720
UTG+1: 11,112
MP: 10,000
MP+1: 10,580 (Hero)
MP+2: 9,930
CO: 18,980
BN: 9,135
Preflop (120) Hero is MP+1 with Q 9
UTG raises to 160, 2 folds, Hero calls 160, 5 folds
Flop (440) Q 4 6
UTG checks, Hero bets 285, UTG calls 285
Turn (1,010) Q 4 6 T
UTG checks, Hero bets 640, UTG calls 640
River (2,290) Q 4 6 T 9
UTG bets 4,560, Hero

5th hand of mtt for me, have shown down one premium. No other notes.

He semi tanked before over betting.

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