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Tough Spot on River Deep $109 Mini Tuesday

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Tough Spot on River Deep $109 Mini Tuesday

Blinds: t2,000/t4,000 (8 Players) BB: 331,232
UTG: 67,061
UTG+1: 325,460
MP: 252,348
MP+1: 122,068 (Hero)
CO: 262,254
BN: 77,838
SB: 122,982
Preflop (6,000) Hero is MP+1 with J A
3 folds, Hero raises to 8,640, 3 folds, BB calls 4,640
Flop (22,480) 7 8 Q
BB checks, Hero bets 7,418, BB calls 7,418
Turn (37,316) 7 8 Q 9
BB checks, Hero checks
River (37,316) 7 8 Q 9 K
BB checks, Hero bets 24,586, BB raises to 314,774 and is all in, Hero folds
Final Pot BB wins 86,488

Hi Guys

Could do with some feedback on this hand if poss, Villain playing 28/20 over 137 hands, had him tagged as fairly loose player.

Standard open, now i decided to CBET as we block some flush draws, can get alot of junk to fold and the Q hits our opening range (I had been playing pretty tight not really getting out of line), T is interesting, I decdied to back as the flush does get there as do 56o TJ alor of two pairs poss, now on river he X's, i think he bets his flushes and straights as I showed weakness on T and decided to bet river as K hits our perceived range and we block flushes and TJ.

So what do you guys think? do I barrel Turn then fold to raise, i cant x back river as we pretty much always lose, i think the xjam was a good move from him if he did have it as he prob knows im capable of stabbing at the K....

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