Turn Semibluffs with C/R Threat

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Turn Semibluffs with C/R Threat

Lets say stacks are 45k and blinds are 1k/2k, Hero opens to 4.2k in HJ with KsQx and Villain in BB peels.
(~11k) Flop Js9c4s
Villains checks, Hero bets 5.1k and Villain calls.
(~21.5k) Turn 6s
Villain checks, Hero??

Hero has 35k left in his stack. If he bets 8-9k, he risks getting jammed on, and has to either bet/call or bet/fold, both of which suck. There are a lot of similar hands in Hero's range like QsTx KsTx and then like QT KT KQ T8s 87s that have equity as well as a semi bluff.
What is best way to approach this spot with shallow stacks? If we bet a lot of these draws, he has incentive to check/jam Jx and 9x, and this happens a lot in MTT's regardless, so semi bluffing with hands that need to bet/call starts to suck.
Obviously KQ may not be the worst hand to call with if he jams some QT, T8 himself, but in general, its hard to figure out which draws are strong and we want to check back to realize equity and which to bet.

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