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Was my all-in call bad with 7 left?

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Was my all-in call bad with 7 left?

Hello all,

This was a $20+$2 MTT, with around 500 players and 1st being around $2k. I got down to the final 7 players, which is when I went out. The player UTG shoved with around 16bb, and I was next to act with around 12bb. I have AQ, and decided to call. He ended up having 88 and he won the flip, but was this a +EV play in the long run?

I figured that if he had something that crushes AQ (QQ, KK, AA, AK), he maybe would have raised small to obtain more chips and not scare away the action. The only hand I was scared of was AK, but I felt it was unlikely. Should have I folded and waited for a better spot?



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