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Was that right? How should I play?

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Was that right? How should I play?

Blinds: t300/t600 (9 Players) MP+2: 7,010
CO: 1,320
BN: 8,800
SB: 20,086 (Hero)
BB: 4,313
UTG: 22,882
UTG+1: 4,717
MP: 38,485
MP+1: 16,274
Preflop (900) Hero is SB with 8 8
2 folds, MP raises to 1,500, 2 folds, CO calls 1,245 and is all in, BN folds, Hero calls 1,200, BB raises to 4,238 and is all in, MP raises to 38,410 and is all in, Hero calls 18,511 and is all in
Flop (64,579) 2 2 Q
Turn (64,579) 2 2 Q J
River (64,579) 2 2 Q J 9
Final Pot CO lost and shows a pair of Deuces.
SB lost and shows two pair, Eights and Deuces.
BB wins and shows a straight, Nine to King.
MP wins and shows two pair, Queens and Deuces.
MP wins 31,546 BB wins 14,634

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