Weird multiway 3bet pot vs two regs in 11r

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Weird multiway 3bet pot vs two regs in 11r

UTG1: 8682
UTG2: 7005
LJ: 1765
HJ: 5880
CO: 3545
BN: 13085
SB: 8759 (Hero)
BB: 9609
UTG: 5270
Preflop (300) (9 Players)
Hero was dealt 8 A
UTG folds, UTG1 folds, UTG2 folds, LJ folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN raises to 400, Hero raises to 1070, BB calls 870, BN calls 670
Flop (3310) 8 K 2 (3 Players)
Hero bets 995, BB raises to 2200, BN folds, Hero folds
Final Pot
BB wins 5200
This spot isn't so much about what to do in the hand as it happens, as I think it ends up being a trivial fold. It's more about a few other things. Both villains in this hand are aggressive regs with whom I have a decent amount of history, and I know they're both capable of some pretty funky stuff.

1. I ordinarily would almost never 3bet light pre-ante. I'm not 100% sure whether I 3bet here for semi-value (as I'm sure BTN is flatting some dominated hands and folding a ton), or whether I 3bet as a bluff mistakenly thinking that because we're at 100/200, there are antes in play. Thoughts on our 3betting ranges in this spot?

2. BB overcalls. My thinking was that this can either be a really nutted hand (hard for it to be AA as we have a blocker), or something that flops well which he doesn't mind playing postflop in position vs what he perceives to be a fairly well-defined range on my part, like a KTs or QJs kind of hand. Thoughts on BB's range?

3. On a really dry flop like this, my thinking is that we can bet small with almost our whole range. BB can't float us because of BTN, and we look stronger to BTN betting into two guys. I don't like giving up the initiative straight away here just because it's likely to put us in awkward spots on later streets, and I'm not a huge fan of checking flops after we 3bet preflop. Thoughts on flop bet and sizing? Obviously it's a fold once BB raises, but what do we do here with say, KQo if we decided to 3bet that?

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