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100 NL TT oop in 3betpot

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100 NL TT oop in 3betpot

Play at anon tables.Villain was something like 35 30 3bet 9 on 45h ,i really don't know if he was a reg but given his stats and the fact that i didn't see anything strange from him while played at the table we can assume he is a reg

I didn't 4bet/call him because he was his first time he 3bet me out of 9 situations and we had 120bb effective stacks.

I was planning to check call on the flop but I was very surprised at his sizing on he flop .At that time i was thinking that given our stacks he might be tempted to play unbalanced and bet big with his value hands on that drawy board.
What do you guys think ?

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