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16z how to play AKs in 4bpt IP?

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16z how to play AKs in 4bpt IP?

Blinds: $0.08/$0.16 (6 Players) BN: $35.49 (Hero)
SB: $19.37
BB: $16.00
UTG: $26.88
MP: $24.06
CO: $14.33
Preflop ($0.24) Hero is BN with A K
UTG raises to $0.32, 2 folds, Hero raises to $1.04, 2 folds, UTG raises to $2.88, Hero calls $1.84
Flop ($6.00) 8 9 7
UTG checks, Hero bets $2.86, UTG calls $2.86
Turn ($11.72) 8 9 7 J
UTG checks, Hero bets $6.64, UTG folds

If i face a xjam Im in shitty spot, but what UTG could check jam here in 4bpt? TT? I'm not sure esp deep.

The board fits perfectly into my range, not his, and I don't see what he could call a river jam with?

What you guys think about jamming any river?

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