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200NL - Reasonable bluff combo or total spew ???

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200NL - Reasonable bluff combo or total spew ???

100 blinds deep, I open KJo COvBB
(BB is a standard reg)

Flop : QQ7 rainbow (Pot = 12,41$)

Hero bets 3.09$
BB check raises to 12,23$
Hero calls

Turn : QQ76 (Pot = 35,77$)

BB bets 26,69$
Hero calls (planning to ship river over a check or a normal size bet)

River : QQ76A (Pot = 88,04$)

BB bets 62,07$
Hero raises all-in 155,08$

What do you think of my play?
What should be the combos I use as a bluff in this situation?

I tought blocking KQ and QJ was a good thing...

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