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25NL - Missed Draw On river, Do I still bet?

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25NL - Missed Draw On river, Do I still bet?

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (4 Players) SB: $30.33 (Hero)
BB: $26.86
CO: $25.00
BN: $35.32
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is SB with T K
CO folds, BN calls $0.25, Hero calls $0.15, BB checks
Flop ($0.75) J J Q
Hero bets $0.39, BB folds, BN calls $0.39
Turn ($1.53) J J Q 5
Hero bets $0.80, BN calls $0.80
River ($3.13) J J Q 5 2
Hero checks, BN checks
Final Pot SB wins and shows a pair of Jacks.
SB wins $2.99
Rake is $0.14

Villian is Unknown. Played 3 hands with them so far.
How do i go about proceeding on the river?

Id expect villian to have alot of Qx in their range here and also calling with draws.
With Villian being unknown is the check on the river good? Bad? standard?

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