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5nl: river decision vs a bet-bet-jam line w/ TPTK, sb vs btn 3bp

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5nl: river decision vs a bet-bet-jam line w/ TPTK, sb vs btn 3bp

Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players) MP: $5.34
CO: $5.20
BN: $5.83 (Hero)
SB: $6.18
BB: $5.40
UTG: $8.96
Preflop ($0.07) Hero is BN with Q A
UTG folds, MP calls $0.05, CO folds, Hero raises to $0.18, SB raises to $0.60, BB folds, MP folds, Hero calls $0.42
Flop ($1.30) Q J 5
SB bets $0.41, Hero calls $0.41
Turn ($2.12) Q J 5 3
SB bets $1.52, Hero calls $1.52
River ($5.16) Q J 5 3 T
SB bets $3.65 and is all in

i really don't know how to think about this hand on the river since villain is an unknown reg, but at the same time i believe the pool is not bluffing enough

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