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A7s vs MP

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A7s vs MP

Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players) BN: $5.00
SB: $0.98
BB: $9.53 (Hero)
UTG: $6.52
MP: $5.00
CO: $3.47
Preflop ($0.07) Hero is BB with 7 A
UTG folds, MP raises to $0.15, 3 folds, Hero calls $0.10
Flop ($0.32) 7 T 6
Hero checks, MP bets $0.23, Hero raises to $0.84, MP raises to $1.95, Hero raises to $6.16, MP calls $2.90 and is all in
Turn ($11.33) 7 T 6 6
River ($11.33) 7 T 6 6 3

the idea of pushing flop should be FE right?
so basically since villain 3bets flop my FE goes south right?
So shoving there is not such a good move + vs his 3betflop we are behind right?

better play should be call the 3b and adjust on turn card right?

one more time: my shove there is way out of line since we will be behind mp's 3b range , and since we shove to have some FE and we know he is not willing to do so we played the hand super wrong. right?

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