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AA - Curious on all streets

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AA - Curious on all streets

Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players) BN: $100.00
SB: $150.74 (Hero)
BB: $96.00
UTG: $121.50
MP: $63.26
CO: $72.86
Preflop ($1.50) Hero is SB with A A
UTG raises to $2.50, 3 folds, Hero raises to $12.00, BB folds, UTG calls $9.50
Flop ($25.00) K J 8
Hero bets $8.32, UTG calls $8.32
Turn ($41.64) K J 8 9
Hero bets $13.84, UTG calls $13.84
River ($69.32) K J 8 9 J
Hero bets $35.00, UTG calls $35.00

Been struggling in spots like this for a little while.

Flop, feels fairly standard?

Turn, feel lost... thoughts? think we should be betting bigger, but then feels even more awkward on river?

River, feels like we should be going smaller? how does our play change with or without Ad

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