Analyzing stats from all Players

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Analyzing stats from all Players

Hey guys,
nice to be part of this community, already enjoying the forum a lot.

I am playing a lot of 2NL Zoom on Pokerstars and want to continue there until I feel more comfortable moving up the stakes. As there often are over 1000 entries in the pool even after playing over 100k hands I still have a small or even non existing sample for a lot of players.

I wanted to ask if there is a tool (preferably on PT4 as I already got this one) to analyze the statistics of all played hands at the stake on each position. That way I could study on how to play against the player pool without playing and relying on a small amount of hand histories at player tools.
I could do this manually by calculating the frequencies of certain actions (for example VPIP) by calculating

(VPIP (player1)* player1 amount of hands + VPIP(player2)* player2 amount of hands +...+VPIP(player z)*player z amount of hands) / (total amount of hands)

However against that big player pool that would take a long time. Is there a tool for it or has anyone done something similar?
Kind regards, Vincent

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