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bad call?

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bad call?

BN: $243.18 (Hero)
SB: $208.90
BB: $208.21
UTG: $253.96
HJ: $373.78
CO: $284.86
Preflop ($3.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt J A
UTG folds, HJ raises to $6, CO folds, Hero calls $6, SB folds, BB folds
Flop ($15.00) K 2 Q (2 Players)
HJ checks, Hero checks
Turn ($15.00) K 2 Q T (2 Players)
HJ bets $10, Hero raises to $27.16, HJ calls $17.16
River ($69.32) K 2 Q T 2 (2 Players)
HJ checks, Hero bets $45.89, HJ raises to $340.62, and is all in, Hero calls $164.13, and is all in
Final Pot
HJ has Q Q Hero has J A HJ wins $486.56
Vs a reg playing about 21/16
I raise the turn for value expecting his calling range to be QQ TT KQ with a daimond KJ with a diamond and the occasional wierd suited diamonds like 89d j9d k9d that made it on the turn already.
On the river it was actually mybad that i didn't see the board paired, was a little busy had 3 pretty big pots going at the same time and called off thinking his could have alot of Kx with missed diamond draw and I'm blocking all Ax diamonds. I probably would have folded otherwise, but would still like some input on this hand vs my range evaluation

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