Basic live game strategy question

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Basic live game strategy question

We have a regular live game filled with generally the same 10-12 people. All of us know each other's games very well. The vast majority of the guys are loose action players. Generally at any given time at a 10 man table there will be 2 Nits (me and another guy) and 8 laggy action junkies.

It's a simple 1/2 game but open raises are usually 10x. Typical hand is guy under the gun open raises to $20 with 5 8 of hearts. And you get 3 callers with any type of hand and if somebody has AJ or better they make it $75 to see a flop. That's pretty much every hand. To me this is an insane game. But whatever.

My question is wouldn't a tight style be beneficial over the long haul in this game? Isn't that just simple old school philosophy? I just don't feel comfortable calling 3 other players with K 5 of hearts or QJ off even in late position. Should I be calling those hands or raising to $75 like everybody else? If I get no reasonably decent hands I tend to just get run over. Should I be more aggressive in early position with much weaker hands to get in the mix? Or stick with the tried and true TAG style? I apologize for the basic question but I'm frustrated. Thanks.

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