Calculating the EV of 3Bet shoving or 4bet shoving

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Calculating the EV of 3Bet shoving or 4bet shoving

Hey guys :).
A few years ago I had done an excel sheet where I could calculate that, but I lost it, I am trying to build it back. But my results seem wrong/different from what I remember...
Here is my formula, if somebody had the kindness to point me where I'm wrong, it'd be great...So I use :
EV = (Current potFE%)+((1-FE)((final pot if allin * my Equity)-(what it costs me to go allin * his Equity)))

For example, stacks 100bb : if opp raises 3bb, I 3bet to 10 he 4bets to 22 (current pot is 32), I shove for 90 more to 100, with JJ (I do not mention blinds/dead money to simplify here)) :
If in that spot I want to calculate my EV with the following assumptions : my opponent has a 5% 4bet range and is going to 5bet shove JJ+ and AK (3% of hands), thus my JJ has 36% Equity against his range, and he will fold to my 4bet 60% of the time :
(320,60)+(0,40((2000,36)-(900,64)) =
19,2+(0,40*(72-57,6)) = 24.96.
The result seems wrong, from what I remembered the EV of shoving JJ here should be close to zero...
But I can't see what's wrong with the formula.
Can you ?

Thank you very much :)

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